I had everything up an running smoothly. Yesterday I could not connect to hass.io at all. After changing the lan cable and unplugging the Pi, I was finally able to log in again.
However, now the automations don’t work and some of my zwave devices cannot be controlled.
I found out that hass.io obviously thinks it is already January, 29th although it is only the 25th and the time is wrong, too.
The time zone is set to Europe as it was before.
I am on 85.1
Did anybody notice a similar behavior? Any suggestions?
Damn, didn’t notice the year. I thought it was from the future. I was already searching for a lottery add on…
Any idea where I can change time settings beside the configuration.yaml?
Not exactly sure with hassio - but basically you need to make sure the time and date on the host is correct first, then make sure that it is correctly piped in to/accessible from your container.