Hass.io menu not showing anymore :(

Hello all !

Just started to automate my home few days ago by choosing home assistant as unique solution, and it looks promising so far ! :grinning:

I started with hassbian first, then hass.io cames out, and I decided to switch as I wasn’t a very advanced user of home assistant.

I installed few plugins (ssh, samba share, home-bridge) with the ease of a click :v: So far, so good !

Then, few days ago I loggued into the Web UI, and there was no hass.io menu anymore :confounded: meaning that I can’t manage my plugins anymore, eventhough they looks still active (i.e I can log into my RPi using ssh and access configuration.yaml trough the samba share) :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Unfortunately updating with hassio homeassistant update and hassio host update to the last version through ssh didn’t fix it, and I can’t see any error related to this issue in logs.

I tried from both Chrome and Firefox, to reach http://myhomeassistantip:8123/hassio, but I got a 404: Not Found error from both.

Does someone have any clue to solve this issue ? Any tips appreciated !

Thank you

Have a look at this post and see if the solution applies to you too >> Hassio menu dissapeared after modifing configuration.yaml

Thank you andyp85, adding hassio: to my conf file fixed it ! :smiley:

(I should have used the search topic feature instead of just checking the top topics of the forum … :unamused: )

Thanks a lot for your quick answer ! Ciao :v:

Don’t worry we’ve all done it :grin: I just happened to remember seeing the topic a couple of days ago. Glad its sorted for you.

I was able to install Home Assistant onto my Raspberry Pi 3, but when I launch http://192.168.x.xx:8123, I couldn’t see HassIO under the menu tap of Home Assistant. Can someone help me fix this? How do I access the yaml configuration file to enable HassIO to show up? Anybody? Can you please help???!?!?!

Did you install Hass.io, or did you install something else?

The Hass.io menu only shows if you’ve installed Hass.io (and yes, the getting started documentation could be clearer about that).

It seems if you remove “discovery:” from the configuration.yaml that the Hass.io menu link is not shown anymore. Then you need to add “hassio:” to your configuration.yaml.

Hello All,

Running hass.io on raspberry 3.
I’m not able to see the toolbar anymore. See only the lovelace view.

Also my stored links don’t open the menu view e.g.

Is there a chance to review the configuration.yaml not using the hass.io frontend?
Cant open via PuTTy IP-Adress Port 8123.

Tx in advance M.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Vm with home assistant - avery few weeks it stops working