Hass.io - mount a Samba/CIFS share FROM an external file server?

No matter what options I tried using with the mount command, I could not successfully mount a Samba share from my NAS4Free file server. Windows 10 systems can all mount the shares easily, so I don’t believe it’s a Samba configuration issue. The specific share name I want to mount enables ‘guest’ access, so neither a username or password is required.

My end goal is to backup the RPi each night, directly to the File Server directory. Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance for your most helpful assistance. :slight_smile:

I think due to the way docker works which could be tricky.

Look at the part about Mounting external storage media

Thank you for this pointer. I’ll see if / what I can do with it. :slight_smile:

Another option would be to transfer files using SCP, if you use the SSH addon then this may be a far easier option IMO

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This seems to be a MUCH better alternative. Thank you. Instead of pushing things from the RPi, I’ll use SSH / SCP scripts on the file server to pull entire directories. Sometimes the easiest/best methods just don’t appear so darned obvious. :wink:

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