Hass.io on docker - how to setup z-wave and zigbee stick

So I’m looking in to having a docker setup for my home assistant setup.
Now a days I use a hassbian image, but well that’s not future proof anymore since that show got canceled.
So I was looking in to running a setup in Hass.io because why do it the hard way when it can be easy as well.

So requirements I have.

  • Running a Pi3B+
  • Want to be able to have a UPS PICO setup eg it needs debian (as host) as well
  • It has to run from ssd - M.2 Sata (my experience with SD cards is bad)

So doing the research, googling :slight_smile: I found this page on home assistants site, link
This instructs on how install docker and hassio from raspbian. Great stuff.

It ends up with a few issues and I’m not yet familiar enough with docker to understand how to tackle this so hopefully you guys can help me out.


  1. Where are the snaps located?
  2. How can I setup the z-wave and zigbee stick to be available in the container for hassio
  3. Hass.io is not able to check for updates? Do I need to do some config on allowing it to access the internet or something? I will try to find some useful log and provide it here as well.
  4. is it possible to have docker compose installed afterwards and use that to configure this setup? And better yet how do I set docker compose to hold the config of Hass.io?

Any help is much appreciated. If this is already well documented point the way and sorry to ask, but as far as I have been googling I haven’t found it (yet).


Hassio will run as privileged and pass through all USB devices from the host.

Sure it can. It does by default.

Not for hassio. For normal home assistant in docker sure…

Snaps as in containers and better yet the files containing the config for the container. I thought in Docker these are called… :woozy_face:

So the Zigbee and Z-Wave stick have the same names as well? Or how do I choose the devices in the integration wizard.

Hass.io doesn’t update… It shows an error somehow I will add it to this post asap. And sure enough doesn’t show the update that is definitely available.

Thanks though for the flaming quick reply :smiley:

Snaps in Ubuntu means something completely different. :wink: Containers aren’t called snaps. They’re just containers.

The config files are bind mounted and on the host they exist in /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant


One will be /dev/ttyACM0 and the other will be /dev/ttyACM1

That error message is important if you want to know how to fix something. :wink:

Astonishing I guess a reboot solved the issue of updating. Works like a charm now.