Hass.io on Gigabyte Brix with AMD Processor?

I have a Brix PC sitting around doing nothing and I’d like to put Hass.io on it. I currently have a dockerized setup on my Unraid system but want to separate it out.

Would that be an issue?

If it is a 64 bit x86 compatible processor you could put Debian or Ubuntu on, it should work. Isn’t that similar to the Intel NUC?

It is x86 so I thought it would be fine. Since the Nuc image is just sort of there I wasn’t sure if there were any specific system requirements.

I would install Debian and basically follow the install for a generic Linux server.

Debian does not have a universe repository so you can safely ignore that line. Here are the full options for the installer.

People are talking about two different things here. The bare metal hassio image for NUC is unlikely to work as it is closely tied to the intel chipset.

As has been suggested, installing a standard linux with hassio over the top per the install script will work, and is in fact probably a more flexible option.

I have mine on an a6 powered gigabyte brix. Ubuntu with docker, and generic docker image.

It’s also got openHAB, mosquito and a number of python based docker images.

The link for the generic Linux installation agrees with what I wrote. When I referred to the NUC I was thinking more of cpu architecture and is compatibility.

That’s what I was looking for. I thought the NUC image was hardware specific.

He didn’t say it was wrong. He actually agreed with you, if you read his comment.

He was referring to the OP asking about the hassio IMAGE, and you suggesting the proper way.

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Another option could be ESXi 6.7 with Ubuntu ?

Why the added overhead & licensing of ESXi ? Just Debian or Ubuntu is fine.

I’m running ESXi 6.7 on the free licence. Just another option which does provide a degree of flexibility. Can spin another VM up for testing when I need one.

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