Hass.io on Intel NUC

Seemed that my USB path changes between ACM0 and ACM1 when I restart hassio. Knowing this I got Zwave to work properly.

Samba still remains a problem. \hassio\share does not work (not found at all). I also tried \IP\share. I already gave it a fixed IP. In this case it’s asking for network credentials. I tried the ones from the Samba config, but those don’t work. I don’t know what credentials I’m supposed to use.

Even on the Pi I found sometimes the ZWave would change from 0 to 1. Make sure you never remove the Zwave adaptor from the VM and always use HassIO’s ZWave panel to add/remove devices and not the button on the ZWave stick.

The network adaptor for your VM should be setup as a Bridged adaptor and set Promiscuous to Allow All.
Not sure if the last bit is fully necessary, but it seems to give the best performance for me.
The Host will have a different IP to Hassio.
Virtual Adaptor Type works best set to one of the Intel Pro varients in my testing on this.
It’s a bit long winded as it was a live stream, but DrZz’s does a descent tutorial on this.

It’s slightly outdated as it is for a slightly older version, but the instructions should still be pretty well what you need to do.

SAMBA Addon should use the credentials you set when you install the addon. It needs them to be set or the addon does not run.

This might cause a problem compared to my setup. I’m using NAT instead of Bridged because hassio didn’t show up in my router otherwise. Therefore I couldn’t setup a fixed IP. Therefore I wasn’t able to connect to hassio at all.

I’ll try to get it working anyway on bridged mode. This might solve it all.

I used a different approach to set the static IP by setting it directly in HassOS via the CLI.
The commands were really easy. I just have to find the link I first used. I forgot to bookmark it.

I managed to get Bridged mode working by adding an other network adapter. The standard option was an Intel adapter, but I found out that I was using the Realtec one.

Some network sensors are now disconnected somehow, including some Z-wave devices. Now I need to find out how to fix these…

ZWave should not be affected at all as this is not part of the IP Network, so that could be another issue.
IP Sensors that use MQTT may be affected.

I found all the stuff to set a static IP in HassOS from a CLI.

When you load the Virtual Machine, if you are connected (either VNC or direct connection) to the machine Virtual Box is running on, you press CTRL + C on the VM window (the one with all the text on the screen) and you then get a CLI

The user name is root and there is no password.

This will give you a prompt hassio >

type login

you should get the hash prompt

From there follow the instructions from

I have also copied them here.

Using nmcli to set a static IPV4 address

Log into the HASSOS base system via a console:

Welcome to HassOS
Hassio login:

Login as root (no password needed)

At the hassio > prompt, type login (as instructed).

From here you will use the nmcli configuration tool.

# nmcli connection show will list the “HassOS default” connection in use.

# nmcli con show "HassOS default" will list all the properties of the connection.

# nmcli con edit "HassOS default" will put you in a position to edit the connection.

nmcli> print ipv4 will show you the ipv4 properties of this connection.

To add your static IP address (select ‘yes’ for manual method);

nmcli> set ipv4.addresses
Do you also want to set 'ipv4.method' to 'manual'? [yes]:

In addition I have found it is wise to set the dns server and the local gateway. For most home routers these will be the same address. If you are using Pi-Hole you can set the dns to that.

nmcli> set ipv4.dns
nmcli> set ipv4.gateway
nmcli> save
nmcli> quit

If you now view the default connection cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/default you should see the method is manual and the address is set.

Doing a nmcli con reload does not always work so restart the VM.

Hi all, new to HA. I was trying to set a static IP for my HA, was following the simple instructions provided here https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/blob/39babd53685d352c3f4a6d7d8fabe43e27ccc88d/Documentation/network.md. I think I have messed up something and tried to reset the changes that didn’t go well as-well. Now when I run “nmcli con show” I don’t see “HassOS default” anymore. I see “Wired connection 1”. and I can not browse HA any more. Any help any one? Thanks.

FYI IP settings can now be changed in GUI (Supervisor > System)