Don’t know if this is already known, but as i ran into troubles while installing on my intel nuc with a usb boot stick, i managed to get it working …
pick the nuc ssd and plug it into a separate machine or boot a live system on the nuc.
Then write the downloaded image ( hassos_intel-nuc-2.11.gz ) with dd to the ssd like this:
sudo su
gunzip -c /media/sdc1/hassos_intel-nuc-2.5.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sdc bs=4M conv=fsync
where /dev/sdc has to be the drive, which you want to install into the nuc. Be carefull to not overwrite your system hd or any other drive.
this needs some time and ther is no progress bar while writing the drive. After dd has finished, place the drive into your nuc and installation works like a charme.
Credits go to Pete Stothers youtube video ( ), where i found this.