Hass.io on rpi3 with touchscreen


I’m a noob with Home Assistant, have an Rpi 3 with hass.io on it and a touchscreen connected to it.
Is it possible to get the dashboard on the touchscreen on boot.
Googling gave me various results, some say it isn’t possible, some say they have managed to get it working, but not sharing the needed steps for it.
So if any of you guys who get it working could share some steps how to achieve it I would really appreciate it.
Or if it isn’t possible please let me know, as I am struggling with it for some time…
Thanks in advance.

Without firing up my pi and work out what and where.
If it can display the webpage on the touch screen, then all you need to do is to get it to open at login/boot.
Have a Google for rc.local which will allow you to run things at startup, you’ll have to add the address to open as well. For example (I have no idea of the command but it will look something like this)

Firefire -url HTTPS: localhost:8123 -kiosk

Hope that helps a bit

Sorry for the late answer, been away for a while.
Will try it this weekend, as it’s located in my cottage.
By the way, what’s firefire?
Tried googling but haven’t found anything meaningfull.

Firefire is what my autocorrect changed Firefox to