Home Assistant Supervised (previously known as Hass.io) on Synology DSM as native package (not supported or working atm)

Yes both tasmoadmin and esphome work outside my lan. Question is: am I protect or those app are a sort of frames so their services are exposed?

Regarding node red I’m not using it. Sorry.

Then I noticed another thing: by default the app install version 0.96b. I don’t know if it can be changed or maybe there’s a error with the image provided in docker hub.

This is handed by the hassio-supervisor, I’ve not done anything special to dl the beta.

Does this package include drivers for usb? Today I`m using the Domoticz package before starting HA (After reboot of the nas).

And regarding the error messages around linux runtime spec devices: error gathering device information while adding custom device this is from another thread:

It seems like HassOS for those systems is missing the tun support in the kernel

All in all this is working great.

either take a snapshot from your old system and then copy the backup over, or once you can browse the file structure on the NAS location, simply copy the files over…

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@fredrike thank you!!!
very much appreciated!!

4 posts were split to a new topic: DarkSky rate limit issues

ok will try this later.

Another point, I intalled NodeRed, so far so good, when I am editing nodes there is the auto-complete for the entities, but there is only shown the entitiy name not the friendly name, is this a normal behavior?

not sure, browse the forum and post in a seperate thread if need be as this is off-topic to this thread…

I did install the SPK file.
In the hassio_supervisor docker details, ik keep getting errors/warnings like:

Cannot connect to host version.home-assistant.io:443 ssl:None [Try again]e
Can’t fetch freegeoip data: Cannot connect to host … :80’ ssl:None [Try again]e
fatal: unable to access ‘https://github.com/home-assistant/hassio-addons/’: Could not resolve host

Any idea what might be wrong ? I have the original home-assistant running in docker (was stopped during the installation of the synology package hassio_x64-6.1_20190709-1.spk)

could not resolve host is an DNS error. Have not seen that since I realized that there was a routing bug in the Synology version of Docker. Not sure what is going on now though.

Can you please guide me with the steps and screenshots of installing this. I have downloaded the .spk file from your desktop.

I guess you can use --dns parameter for setuping dns servers for the container. Isn’t it?

Hey thanks, I installed this to trial it but decided to go back to my original Docker Container.

Should note that installing this package will remove any existing HA Docker Containers (probably if just if they have the same name I’m assuming) That was a bit annoying but no big deal.

However, since uninstalling and restarting my NAS I still have in Resource Monitor, under the Network tab (and in the Resource Monitor widget) an additional Network Interface called hass.io

How can I remove this? There isn’t any reference to it in the Control Panel - Network settings that I can see.


You should be able to remove it via the networks tab in the docker application.

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you need to go to the package application in your dsm desktop. Navigate to manual install, and then when requested, you need to selec the downloaded spk…

Hi all, can someone please tell me if remote connection using synology certificatr on hassio add on is still “safe”…i mean encrypted to the outside world?

I want to use vscode addon but I don’t want to explose my secrets.yaml to the world

Well SSL (or rather TLS nowadays) are just ensuring that the connection is encrypted (so no one can read the information transmitted) it does not protect against users that might access your installation due to for instance poor password.

Think like this, if you can enable the vscode addon, what means protects against someone else from doing the same thing.

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OK so it is still encrypted. Got it.

For the password well I use a a-z 0-9 + symbol just to be sure.

Thank you. Didn’t even think to check there!

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I’ve added this to the uninstall part of the package too:

docker network rm hassio