I am playing with this on docker and making powershell based scripts similar to the shell scripts. Are you interested in these being added to the repo alongside the shell scripts?
Yes, that will be nice. You can create a windows install script and maby an ‘windows-hc’
So in progress. There is a installer script and then a second script which runs the entire process as a windows service for management. This does the handling of the supervisor. It is running but having issues with port exposure. Looking into it.
ok, containers up and I can hit HA via the local docker IP address! Now to clean up the code and get a review out.
Is there a way to make this multi-platform (because almost everything runs docker)? I’m using docker already (not on windows)(currently trying out unRAID), and I don’t really need the supervisor, since all my containers are auto-updating anyway, and rebooting home-assistant can also be done from the config panel. However managing (some) docker containers /hassio addons via the home-assistant frontend would be awesome.
Simplest way I can think of is a seperate hass.io version/build of the home-assistant docker image, in which the addons panel is already included, so that there is no need for (shell) scripts on the host-os for that part of the whole hassio set-up.
From what I have worked out, it is working fine with just the containers. the Host control means some items are not showing in the UI and the restart host commands will not work but that is it. I have a powershell script pulling the images and a service ensuring they are running.
The Supervisor comes up and then it bring the HA image up without any issues. Have not had a chance to start validating the add-ons yet.
Looking at Host Control I may submit a pull to either make it optional or be able to determine the host capabilities/platform to make it smarter. The use of unix sockets is not cross platform so shifting to a rest approach will mean that any host can run the framework as lon as it can run a process on the host that returns data.
Nice, I’ll try-out those containers then.
I use(d) Watchtower and Docker-Compose to keep all my containers running and up-to-date.
Hass.IO is a full solution for Home-Assistant & eco system. If you have a docker compose running or other docker management with you make happy, you don’t need Hass.IO, you can only use the homeassistant docker.
Yeah but since the hassio addon interface is using docker, I thought I could maybe incorporate that with my running set-up.