Hass.io paired with Jottacloud for great backup solution on Linux


Pardon if this is in the wrong forum, seemed to be the best match, correct me if Im wrong.

Ive seen a few backup solutions being used with Home Assistant and wanted to trow one more in the mix. Jottacloud.

Jotta is a Norwegian cloud backup service, offering unlimited space for a small yearly fee. It dosnt have all the bells and whistles as Dropbox and other cloud services, but its fast (really fast), cheap and any law enforcement would have to persuade a Norwegian court to get access to your stuff. And that will be hard…

The setup I use, is an old laptop running Ubuntu, with Hass.io in Docker. Jotta has a command line tool, easy to set up with 2FA for added security. Go to this page to see more about how to install and set up.

Ive set it up so the Jotta CLI is constantly backing up all my Hass.io folder. Restoring it, is nothing more than installing Jotta CLI, and restoring that path. Im amazed that this solution has not been discussed here before. Its way to easy! And no, not affiliated with Jotta in any way, just a happy user of their services.