Hass.io shell command on startup

I’m using Hass.io (HassOS) on a RPI 3 B+ and I need to run a shell command on startup, more specifically I need to run modprobe snd-dummy to create a dummy audio device for a fork of google assistant sdk.

I’m having difficulty finding any way to run this command on startup though, as the rc.local is read-only, I’m not allowed to create any new services, and trying to run the command with HA’s shell_command fails, I also tried running the command through SSH with a shell_command but I get the error:

modprobe: FATAL: Module snd-dummy not found in directory /lib/modules/4.19.126-v7

because the docker container lacks access to /lib/modules.

Does anyone have any idea of how I could achieve this?

Edit: This command requires root, and it works if I write it manually with a wifi keyboard outside of docker.

i also need to load a module, how did you do it?

with shell command and automations to run on start ?