Hass.io Static IP

Hello there,
can anyone please help setting a static ip address in Hass.io, following the instruction in homeassistant is not helping, i cant find the network folder where is the resin-sample file to edit in the boot partition image ,

can anyone please give me detailed instructions on how to set up a static ip in Hass.io ?


Static IP

Can’t you do it in the router? That’s what most people do

Ah I have trouble with this one as well.

Here’s how you do it.
Step 1: take that SD card and put it into the Pi and follow the hass.io instructions until you can access the UI.
Step 2: take a usb stick put it into your PC and rename it to “CONFIG”.
Step 3: create the folder “network” and inside create a text file called “my-network” then delete the .txt extension click yes and it should save.
Step 4: open up that file with Notepad++ or similar and paste in these lines. Change the IP and gateway IP as needed.
Step 5: where UUID is you need to generate a unique one at here copy and paste it into the “UUID: section”. Save and remove the USB stick from your pc.
Step 6: shutdown your pi (pull the power or thorough SSH) and insert the USB stick into any free port. Start up the pi by plugging it back in.
Step 7: once it starts go to the Hass.io tab in the UI, click on “System” on the far right, find host system and click “import from USB”.
Step 8: wait around 2 minuites then shut down the pi, pull the USB and restart it should now have a static IP.

This should help I might actually edit the GitHub page. Riley

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Thank you so much LavaGlass and Vlad, this fixed it, this just helped me alot.

And to answer EGO01, the issue is sir that the ip i want to assign it to the pi is outside the DHCP range, and usually routers can reserved DHCP ips to a mac address if its inside the range, so assiging a static ip locally on the ip is required :slight_smile:.

Thanks to you all guys.

Uhh, actually you should always assign an address that is OUTSIDE your DHCP pool, using a MAC to IP allocation on your router.