Hass.io stops connecting to the network

Not that i’m aware off. I use a Netgear R7000…

I have an R7000 too but run AsusWRT on it rather than the rubbish it comes with, don’t remember seeing any mention of it being a standard feature on this model though.

Perhaps @tom_l is closest to the mark, have you tried a different cable, different port in whatever you’ve plugged it into?

He eliminated that (replaced the cable). It is sounding like the Pi’s LAN port is going to sleep. However the Pi does not have a sleep mode. I’d be more inclined to go SD card or hardware fault (in that order).

I will second XVortex’s Asuswrt-Merlin on the Netgear R7000. Well worth installing. AiMesh doesn’t work reliably yet though (I have hope it will be improved).

Missed that, doh.

@Ralph_Bisschops, have you tried plugging it directly into your router, there’s a lot of switches out there that have an auto eco mode.

No did not try that, but it happens that there are two more Pi’s and an arduino (with a rather primitive ethernet breakout board) on the same switch. So does not feel like a routing issue is causing this. I will exchange the SD one more time. I’ve got a spare sandisk avail. After that I will terminate monit to see what happens.

Ralph, did you try to check what I posted about?

Since I disabled Bluetooth on my Hassio, stability increased enormously.

@SpacemanSpiff Did not try that yet. i’m not that much into hass.io and ResinOS. Is there a guide somewhere on how to disable the Bluetooth and the Wifi? Could not find it in the linked post.


I only have experience with hassio. In there, you just disable the bluetooth addin (Bluetooth BCM43xx)

Aha, so when I did not install the bluetooth add-on, there is nothing to disable :-). In that case we can conclude this is not the root cause. Is it the same for the Wifi?

For reference, I only have the basic ones enabled: Samba, SSH and Duck DNS.



No, wifi is not an add-on. It has to be configured after you burn the image to your SD card. You have to mount the card on your computer and edit the file: /system-connections/resin-sample.

When I used duckdns, every time I had a power break the interface stoped working. So I had to manually reset my pi for it to work again. When I removed the duckdns addon it worked perfectly.


This seems to be very simular to what I have reported.
I stopped working with HA for a while. Recently picked it up again, this time with the latest version using hassio. Worked fine for a while, now two downs in a week time. Everything working, but no access to HA, not visible in the router as well.
