HASS.IO -> transfer from SD card to SSD or USB

Snapshot will backup and restore any data in a persistent volume. If you are using the influxdb addon it will be in the snapshot i believe.

It has been moved in to stable: https://github.com/raspberrypi/rpi-eeprom/blob/2a8c2e77c34d16554956e5ca56697eba9611d2ad/firmware/release-notes.md

I have the same setup as yours, it worked ok but now it crashed, the RPi4 does not boot anymore.
How can I fix it to at least work from SD? I have some backups of cmdline.txt but I don’t know if the UUID of the SD is correct.
Is there any way to read the UUID of the SD in Windows?
I was able to read the Linux ext partition from the SSD in Windows with a Disk Internal Tool, but where are the hassio folders that I need to save for backup?

I am able to read the SSD partition contents with DiskInternal Linux Reader, please let me know what folders I need to backup to be able to restore hassio with minimal effort.
Later edit:
I backed up the usr/share/hassio as it seems to contain everything that is important.
I reflashed the SD card with raspbian, and then I followed this guide https://www.element14.com/community/community/raspberry-pi/blog/2019/08/30/quick-sd-to-ssd-on-the-pi-4 to edit cmdline.txt with pe PARTUIT of the SSD, but after booting, the RPi4 freezed even if it seems to boot from the SSD.
So what I suspect is either there is some power problem, the Adapter can’t provide enough power for both the SSD and the RPi, or something corrupt on the SSD.
I am waiting for some feedback on how to fix it, if not I will wipe the SSD tomorrow and I hope I can reinstall everything and use the snapshots to restore my HA.

Since moving the data partition to the SSD I have problems with freezes on the host system. The whole system becomes unresponsive. Neither the WebUI nor SSH or Samba are still responsive. Also the control LED of the external USB SSD doesn’t blink any more but lights up constantly. After disconnecting and reconnecting the power cable of the Pi everything works again for a certain time.

If I connect the SSD via USB3 the error occurs within a few hours. Via USB2 about every 3-4 days.

I also took a look into the journal of the host - there are no noticeable entries shortly before the freeze.

Does anyone have an idea what could be the reason for this? Or does anyone have an idea how to debug it?

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I don’t know for sure but I think I also had some random freezes with SSD.
But in 4 months they have been very few and were solved by a reboot of RPi4.
Then 2 weeks ago is crashed for good. The SSD filesystem was ok, I was able to save the HA data folders with a Windows tool.
Then I deleted the SSD, reinstalled raspbian and HA and I managed also to copy back the influxdb databases and got it worked.
So definitely there is some problem with SSD crashes, but no so much information why or how to diagnose it. I can only say that the USB to SATA adapter has a high importance.

can anyone tell correct procedure to move data from SD card installation to new SSD card?
If I try to restore snapshots done on SD CARD on SSD it freeze…

Can I safely upload the official hassos image to hdd or ssd? Have you enabled OTP on raspberry?

Hi, I have installed raspberry pi OS on a SSD and it is booting from SSD. I have noticed that the green led is frequently flashing (~4 times every second or so). After some Google searching I found out it has something to do with the (missing) SD card. So I have put a SD card into the slot and the flashing stops. How can I stop the flashing without having to put a SD card in the slot?

anyone can help me to migrate HASSIO from SD to SSD card on a Raspberry Pi B 3+?

Perform a snapshot of HA and move it to a network drive/cloud/etc

To enable booting from USB on the Raspberry Pi 3B (and possibly the Pi 2B v1.2) add “program_usb_boot_mode=1” to config.txt on a Raspbian SD card and boot it in the system once. After that USB boot mode will be permanently enabled and you can boot from a compatible USB drive with no SD card (or a non-boot SD card). Note that enabling USB boot does not affect SD card booting (the system checks for a boot SD card before looking for a boot USB drive, so SD card booting has priority).

To check if the USB boot bit has been set, enter the following command into a terminal.

Code: Select all

vcgencmd otp_dump | grep 17:

You should see the output, 17: 3 020000a (if there is a 1 where the 3 is, USB boot is not enabled). And once again, this does not need to be done on the newer 3B+ (it’s already enabled by default).

Install HassIO on your SSD https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio/installation/ using Balena Etcher
Plug SSD on RPi. It should boot from SSD
Restore snapshot


I finally made the move over to SSD on my RPI4 using the datactl move command. The time to restart the server (using the server-restart command from the GUI) is blazing FAST!!. My system comes back up within 15 seconds, and the UI is fully populated with values within 25 seconds. I absolutely love the new speed.

Only issue I had was that I had to wipe my .db file of history data. After the datactl move process, it would boot up fine and show all the history graphs fine, but my log was being flooded with sqlite error messages about malformed database. After deleting the .db file in the config directory, that cleared up just fine.

Feel the speed!!!

You should post a tutorial with all the steps! :slight_smile:


I just used benmarshall’s post above.

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Hello, does anybody have frecquent freezed due to RAM to little on Rpi4 1 Gb?
I have everything running on an 120 Gb SSD, hassio running in docker, only influxdb, grafana, samba and esphome as addons but I get complete freezes when I do something more complex, for example compile an esphome configuration.
I run top and I see that kswapd0 takes lots of CPU, and free RAM is around 120 Mb before the freezes, only power off/on can restore it, otherwise it is totally lost?
Is it possible that the swap is not working ok on the SSD, is there any solution to that, technically the swap on SSD should be much faster than on SD, but maybe something is wrong?

You need at least 500MB of free RAM when compiling EspHome, otherwise it freezes the RPi

I increased the size of the swap file from 100 Mb to 2 Gb and now the compilation of EspHome and the flashing works from hassio.

@bbogdanmircea, would you happen to know if this is possible to do with hassos? 100mb swap also seems very weak as a default, no? I wonder what is the default swapfile size for hassos.

I have upgraded to a pi4 4gb months ago, mainly to get esphome compilation working reliably. A pi3b+ was otherwise enough; my load averages were <=0.20 consistently on the older pi and everything was snappy, but esphome compiles would randomly crash it. If I could try increasing swapfile size like you did but using hassos, I might be able to swap the pi4 out for a pi3, and use the 4 for a more fitting application (it’s way overkill for my HA instance, except for the esphome compilation issue).

Hi @laca75tn,

I have tried downloading a standard HA image and placing that on the USB HDD. HA never boots from the HDD, actually nothing happens. If I downloads and installs “Raspberry Pi OS”, the Raspberry Pi 3B boots perfectly from the same USB HDD (Seagate).

What is the approach, do I need a specific SSD (not USB HDD) or a specific brand, in order for HA to boot up the RPI?


When the USB HDD boots from an image of HA, it tries to connect to the Internet and downloads updates (for about 20 minutes depending on Internet speed) before you can see anything on browser by going to (http://IPAdress:8123)
How are you connecting to Internet on the RPi? Try plugging a network cable instead of WiFi. Try using HDCP instead of fixed IP Address (for the first time, then you can change it)