Hass.io ver 0.84.6 and wifi problem

I have been running Hasbian for a couple of years now (Raspberry Pie 3) and everything has been working fine. But today I tried to install Hass.io on a new SD card using the hass.io image.
Installed it using ethernet cable and the installation went fine.
Added the “Configurator” from Add-ons to configure the config files.
My problem now is that I cant run HassIo using wifi (only ethernet cable works).

Followed the installation instructions and tried the Wireless WPA/PSK setup from this page.

The only thing I did differently is that I did not use the USB drive. I used the Open Web UI and created the “network” folder inside the “Config” folder. Then I created the file “my-network” and pasted the following code (from the github page):


#Uncomment below if your SSID is not broadcasted




Only editing the “ssid=MY_WLAN_SECRET_KEY” and the “psk=MY_WLAN_SECRET_KEY”

Removeing the ethernet cable and restarting HassIO does not work…
(and yes, I know I have to use another IP connecting through wifi…)

As soon as I connect the ethernet cable and enter the local IP, HassIO is up and running.
No errors in the log.

What am I doing wrong? :tired_face:

try using a thumb drive. I bet that’ll solve your problem

Does the thumb drive have to stay in the raspberry … forever?

No it doesn’t.

So, I Format a USB drive and call it “CONFIG”. Then I make a folder and call it “network” and inside it I make a file “my-networl” and paste the code above… Then what?
Does the file copy itself over or do I have to do something?
Do I have to start up with or without the ethernet cable?

I assume you typoed but it is my-network not my-networl

Insert it in the HA server. Reboot, it will be copied to the correct place on boot. Then you can remove the USB drive.

I would start without the cable connected or you might end up with both the cabled and wifi connections up and confuse everything.

I do wonder though why you want to use wifi if you have a cable right there.

It was a typeo :slight_smile:)
I want to use wifi as the router is located far away from where the raspbery is standing
Will try to start up with the USB drive :slight_smile:

what file extention on the “my-network” file?

There isn’t one. This is linux, not windows.

Had to use my old MS-DOS knowlwdge to save the file without filename :slight_smile:
But I still have a strange problem.
Now I can start my Raspberry end enter the HassIO on my wifi IP adress… but only if the ethernet cable is connected :hushed:
Can not enter my localhost even if the cable is connected.
Dont have to use the USB drive anymore…

Why do I have to use the cable connected even if Im on wifi???

30 minutes later…

Hmm… the router shows that the HassIo still is connected to ethernet… it just have changed IP adress to the adress I erier used for wifi :confounded::confounded::sleepy:

remove the ethernet cable and just connect via wifi. Make sure you spelled everything correctly. Plug the thumb drive into the USB port and cold boot the PI…

Already tryed it… did not work. Reinstalled HassIO, this time with the USB drive (and the ethernet cable). After installation I could boot through wifi connection :+1:
Thanks to everyone who helped me :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat: