Hass.io video output?

So I setup Hass.io on my raspberry pi (2) which has the officially raspberry pi display hooked up to it. upon booting up I get to see the HA logo for a while and then the screen goes to sleep. from any PC on the network I can hit my instance and see/use Hass.io. It would be neat however, if I could see my Hass.io instance on the pi display as well.

I am not sure how this would work, but it was just a thought. It could be surer useful.


I’d imagine its something along the line of having a browser with the relevant url (localhost:blah) open in a docker container. Then again I don’t know much about it.

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should there be video output from HDMI normally? (After initial install of hass.io?)
While installing, I see a basic image that says hass.io is configuring, but after it is finished and I can access my box via hassio.local:8123 then there is no output from HDMI of raspberry. Is this normal?

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Yes, there’s no console access.

That’s where I am I have the pi 3 hooked up to the original pi display but no output after the initial config logo. Would have been nice to have an option to get output directly from the host pi, I’m using 2 pi to make this work now, one for the host and one for the guest (viewer)

But I remember seeing some HDMI output settings in some config file in the root folder of hass.io.
I thought that it outputs some GUI from HDMI.

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+1 for this request
I have plugged the Raspberry Pi to a small display and I’d love to display the dashboard there!

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+1 I would like to have small touch console connected to my hass.io respberry


So there is no possibility to display anything on a display connected to Hass.io? Isn’t there a way to somehow output the HAD dashboard to an external display connected via HDMI or via the GPIO pins to a RPi dispay?


Ofcourse it’s possible. Requires a container with a browser I guess?

Whilst adding a container which pipes the web GUI in a browser to HDMI is perfectly possible, I think what the OP and others are getting at is adding configuration to do this (or do it by default with the installation).

Which should also be possible, but obviously might not be a priority. Certainly would help with troubleshooting even if just console access were able to be pushed to HDMI.

How would one go about adding this container? I currently have 2 pi’s, one for Hass.io and one for a custom Magic Mirror I built. I would really like to get the web browser running on Hass.io and be able to use the other PI for a different project.

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You’d need to start a container on the docker host in privileged mode (to allow access to systems devices). I’d start by looking at this docker hub image which nicely packages everything for the raspberry pi and explains the concepts https://hub.docker.com/r/hilschernetpi/netpi-desktop-hdmi - you’d also need to install a browser on top of that image (you can use the dockerfile and add the relevant install commands for chromium).

You’ll also need to expose docker if you installed hass.io the “normal” way rather than installing Linux first and running the hass.io install script. Luckily there’s a community add-on to do this for you here https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-docker-enabler.

Hopefully that should get you started. I haven’t done this myself but might spin up a test install on a spare pi and give it a go if I get a spare 5 minutes!

Edit: words and how to spell them

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Has anyone tested the idea @sdwilko posted?

Is it working to passthrough the HDMI output to the docker-container (netpi) to display the webpage?

I’m running on the Odroid, attached to the HDMI there is a touch screen.
Sounds as an excellent idea.
Perhaps a Kodi container so I can view my Camera’s