Hass.io vs Home assistant on docker

Currently running home assistant image on Docker in Synology. Works ok, but a few complexities \ problems, notably that due to dependencies on the version of python on Synology, I cannot upgrade to the latest version. So I’m looking to install docker on Ubuntu 16.04 in ESX6.5.

Question, should I install hass.io images in docker as per this link or should I run home assistant on docker as per this link?

I will also likely use homebridge.

What’s the preferred approach?



That’s not how Docker works. Docker images don’t rely on dependencies on the host OS. Running in Docker means it doesn’t know and doesn’t care what version is on the Host.

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I think @nmparmar means dependencies on his OS: Ubutu’s latest python version (3.5.2) is a step below what is required for HA to run (3.5.3)
I had the same issue and moved to docker.
Hass.io is good if you want a no fuss /no maintenance / basic setup but also means your machine is pretty much dedicated to HA. (I know some will disagree though :)) If you have a few scripts or other apps running, then I’d recommend docker which is what hass.io runs on, but means you still have easy access to the rest of the OS for whatever you need to do.
The advantage of docker is indeed that you don’t need to worry about dependencies to run HA and it’s secure as stays within the container. also means it’s very easy to test a new version of HA without breaking your setup…


The OP states that they are running ON DOCKER already which means there are no dependencies.

OP, can you confirm your exact status?
Based on above comments but also your own

So I’m looking to install docker on Ubuntu 16.04 in ESX6.5.

I think both @flamingm0e and I are getting confused, (or maybe it’s just me, feel free to say so)
If you’re already on docker, you really shouldn’t have any dependencies issues as that’s the whole point of docker. if you’re not already on docker, then I guess my earlier comments still stand :slight_smile:

Sorry both, I’m conflating issues. I was originally running directly on synology, and so was limited by the version of Python on Synology. I then moved to docker on Synology, but found it works well, but wasn’t the best experience, plus I wanted to run additional instances for a test\dev environment, and wanted to host homebridge, possibly in a separate docker container. I didn’t want to put that additional overhead on the Synology, especially when I have a VM environment. So, long story short, I need some guidance on what approach I should take from others that have taken the same journey.

@lolouk44 Thanks for the suggestions. I don’t mind running a dedicated instance just for homeassistance, so that sounds good to me. I also want Homebridge, which I think is an add on for Hass.io, so this is looking like a good approach, but just wondered if there were any major gotcha’s with this approach, versus running homeassistant in a docker container. I hope I’m asking the right question. It’s entirely possible I’ve misunderstood something here.


I am running home assistant on docker Synology drive. Each time you update image it also updates all the files and versions to latest. Read this blog post https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2018/03/09/release-65/

On the homebridge front, it’s getting integrated more Anna more worth each release of HA so I’ve actually given up on it and use the HA integration instead