Hass.io vs hubitat

Currently I’m using a combination of a hubitat hub and homebridge manage my home automation needs. I’m interested in giving Home Assistant a try, but am hesitant to go through the process of unpairing all my z-wave devices from my hubitat hub just to test out Home Assistant. Is there a way to integrate the hubitat woth Home Assistant to see if I prefer one over the other? Then, if I want to go al in on Home Assistant, I can go through the whole unpair/re-pairing process.

Wasn’t the Hubitat Hub the “Smartthings derivative” from one of the Forum Members? If im not mistaken, it uses a lot of the same Smartapps, and custom device handlers that you can use for Smartthings. In this case, try the Smartthings MQTT Bridge. Best of both worlds if it works via local connection.

Hubitat should be able to do MQTT right? Hopefully the ex-ST folks fixed that huge gaping hole of a feature that ST was missing. You could have things talk back and forth between MQTT messages.

The more I look into things, the more confused I get regarding my options. Given the three options of Home Assistant, hubitat, and Homebridge, it seems as though I can use a number of combinations of the three. As far as I can tell, I can use hubitat + homebridge (what I’m currently using), Home Assistant + hubitat (read somewhere the the hubitat handles z-wave and zigbee devices better), or Home Assistant + Homebridge. I’m now trying to figure out what combination makes the most sense.

In addition to a large collection of z-wave and zigbee devices, I also have some LIFX bulbs, a Nest Thermostat, a Nest camera, harmony hubs, and a Sense Home Energy Meter. Whatever route I decide, I’d prefer to use the Apple Home app to manually control devices. So far, the only thing I’ve found that looks to only be compatible with Home Assistant is the Sense. I haven’t been able to find a plugin for hubitat or homebridge to integrate the device into those platforms.