Is there a hardware/performance matrix somewhere? Just wondering if people are happy with RPI 3. I’m using a U1 and it seems like it takes a long time to boot/restart. Just wondering if I switching to or hardware will give me noticeable improvement.
There are options in between. I use an RPI3, Raspbian inkl. nginx reverse proxy and mysql server and Home Assistant in a Docker container (because Python dependencies are driving me crazy). System is booting from and running from USB stick.
System performance is as expected with a system’s load < 0.5 except for updates. Restarts take about 45 seconds but are only required during updates or major configuration updates.
What’s really slow is updating the HA Docker image, downloading and extracting takes minutes, due to the limited performance of RPI3. During that time the system is still running, but a system load > 7 makes is almost unresponsively.
Overall, I am accepting this in trade for low power consumption and easy handling of my Home Assistant “appliance”.
Certainly switching to an x86 PC like a NUC will give a noticeable performance improvement, there are plenty of threads where people do confirm that.
However any implementation on pi will sooner or later run into the limitations of pi, whether that is RAM, CPU power, IO or SD card wear. I think that is true to say whether you use hassbian, raspbian, hassio via resinos or hassio via hassos.