Hass.io & Wifi

I just tried to setup Wifi on the latest HASS.IO version, but without luck. The instructions indicate that a network/my-network file needs to be created, but it’s not clear where - so I assumed the root. However, that doesn’t seem to work.

My alternate interpretation was that this only works when the directory is on an USB stick - but I want to configure this without using an USB stick…

In case you are under the same impression: there seems to be this idea that the usb stick is permanent. It’s only a convenient way to pass the config. You use the “import from usb” option in the UI (or you can restart while the USB is in place) and it’s a one time thing. Your configuration is passed to the host if you have the correct directory structure and files and then the USB is no longer needed.

If you would rather edit a network file using vi, you can ssh to the host and go to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections

Thanks, @cogneato. Using the USB stick certainly works, though it seems a little bit too complicated to me. But that might be a question of personal taste.

Now, how do I get to /etc/NetworkManager? It’s certainly not available when using the SSH server from the add-ons - I guess that’s because the sshd is running inside the docker container. Can I only get to the real thing when enabling development ssh?

Correct, you can’t get there from the ssh-addon. You can either setup the host/dev ssh (using the same usb method for passing the authorized_keys file), or with HassOS, you can now directly connect and access with keyboard/monitor.

Hi, to ‘import from usb’, wouldn’t we need to have Hass running on our network already, presumably via cable? If so, is there also a way to setup wifi by writing a file on the SD card directly while its inserted into a Win10 PC and then transfer the card to the RasPi for situations where a wired connection isn’t an option?

“Import from USB” is one option. The other is to simply boot the pi with the USB in place. It will pull configuration files from the USB when it starts up. (afterward, the USB is no longer needed and can be removed)

How do I do this through the UI? Putting that USB stick in my Pi takes down my whole WiFi network, and all of my devices were kicked off until I powered down the Pi