Hass.io won't start

Hey! Since I went over to hass.io I have had problems. Yesterday the power disappeared and now hass.io won’t start. The process stops at starting kernel (has been waiting for at least 20 minutes) What can the problem be? SD card broken?

The SD card in a Pi can be quite sensitive to power loss and may have become corrupted especially if it was writing something at the time. Some cards suffer more than others.

okay. The question is then if the SD card should be replaced or it is enough with a new installation of Hassio.

often its fine to reuse the card. Sometimes it is fixable (not sure with Hassio) but you often dont know the full extent of the corruption. I have had at least one card fail beyond recovery after a power issue.

What type of card is it (one of the well know respected vendors)? Do you have a spare? you might be able to recover your configs if you can install on another card. It all depends how complex your HA configs are and if you have backups.

I have several backups of my ha config.
Since I time back i have had some problems with my homeassistant. I think i will buy a new SD card to see if that is the problem. Can i buy the same sd-card that i use tody? (Is it good enought?)

I use those in some of my Pis as long as they are purchased from a reputable supplier (there are a lot of Sandisk fakes around that are quite convincing) but I have recently switched to Samsung Pro Endurance 32GB https://amzn.to/2OZbqWm that is what I am using in my Hassio system.

Thanx for the tip. Difficult question but should I buy 16 och 32 GB? I only have Hass.io on it.

I tend to buy the largest card I can justify the cost of. They have wear leveling so the larger the card the longer it should be before it wears out. My sweet spot seems to be the 32GB for the pro endurance for my most common use case.

just as a random example for explanation…

If the flash cells could only be written 1000 times on a 16GB card you can write 1000x16GB (approx 1.6tb) before it hits the limit on a 32GB is 1000x32GB (approx 3.2TB) before you hit it.

Now those numbers are made up but you get the idea. A card of twice the size may last upto twice as long as the smaller card (I say upto due to the way that flash and the controllers all work means there are hidden writes etc.)

Just noticed the Hassio install guide has the following too…

Micro SD Card. Get one that is Class 10 as they are more reliable. Size 32 GB or bigger recommended.

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Bought a new SD and everything works now.