Hass NFC - Control Home Assistant with NFC tags

I have the same problem as Romario, the Tag I am using is similar, but it’s a NTAG215. I am able to read it with NFC Tools but unfortunately with the app nothing happens.

How is this related to my app?

I’ll see if I can add that to the list as well!

That would be awesome, mainly because I’ve got a bag full of these :upside_down_face:

That being said, what other tags would you recommend?

I only have two types of tags and they work fine. Besides the amount of space that can be written to them there’s no really benefit as far as I know, but I never looked into it. I’ll let you know when I’ve added it to the list. I can’t test it, so if you could do that by that time it would be great! I hope to find some time for it tomorrow.

Yes absolutely, let me know if you need any help with the app (which I think it’s an amazing idea), I can see that you’ve already got an Italian translation (I’m Italian), but if you want to translate other content just ask.

Hi all! Sorry for my English.
I have this kind of problem with the app.
I have compile the url and the long life token and if i push the test button the result is good, if i try to write something ( a simple script create in ha "mlight.turn_on), when i push the write button and approce my phone to the nfc tag, nothing happening… Someone can help me?

Does the app run the script on the tag? You feel it vibrate and get a message.

If it does that, don’t you get an error in HA perhaps?

No nothing happen… When i push the write button, i read only the message “keep your phone next to the tag”.

Your tag is not supported then. Can you check with NFC tools which kind of tag it is?

With NFC tools i can write, read abs delete tag… The model is NXP Chip NTAG213.
Which tags are support by HASS NFC app?

There’s a little discussion about this a few posts up, including a list with supported tags. I will look into supporting it soon.

Your app - - > Android - - > Home Assistant - - > Android - - > my widgets.
So i think Android+Home Assistant should be the relationship.

I didn’t found the list in the forum… Which nfc tags are supported?

So I did some searching, and it seems like any Mifare tags are not supported. This is because they’re proprietary NFC company, and they’re actually not ‘regular’ NFC tags. For the app to work the NFC tag you use has to support NDEF. This is an unfortunate limitation due to how Android supports tags in the background. The app will not be launched if the tag does not support NDEF. So any Mifare tags will not work. Including Ultralight and Classic ( NTAG 213 and 215 etc). Not sure if these tags can be ‘rewritten’ or reprogrammed or something to support NDEF or something though. I don’t have any of these tags so I can’t try it out.

Thanks for checking this, I will do some research myself, these tags are quite popular (I think mainly because they are cheap), so it would be nice if they could be re-formatted in that format.
If I wanted to buy a tag that 100% works with your app, how can I be sure? If you look on Amazon or eBay, 99% of the NFC tags are either NTAG213 or 215.

EDIT: actually, having checked again on NFC Tools, these tags do support Ndef, technologies available are: NfcA, MifareUltralight, Ndef

EDIT2: sorry but apparently I am restricted to 3 posts per thread (??) so I am forced to edit my own reply. If you check here, some Android phone do actually support Mifare Ultralight chips https://www.shopnfc.com/en/content/7-nfc-compatibility
(my phone is OnePlus 7 Pro).

Do you have a link where i can buy the right nfc tag?

Ciao Antonio…io ho una xiaomi Mi 9se che non sembra essere in lista anche se con NFC tool non ho problemi a scrivere sui tag. Il problema è che ho bisogno di usare l’app HASS NFC non capisco se devo buttare via questi tag e trovare i tag nded.

Hi Yako, I’m replying in English to avoid confusing people :slight_smile:

If you want you can email me at antonio{dot}mastrolia84{at}gmail{dot}com

Yes, it would be really helpful to have a direct link to a known-working NFC tag.

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