I’ve just configured Hass and its working flawlseely in my intranet.
But when I try to reach it from the ouside (I use a DYNDNS in combination with a ipv6 portmapper to get an ipv4 domain) it isn’t showing.
Other ports are showing, dyndns points to the right domain … apache on the same server works, hass not.
This is my config :
even when i am “new” to this Forum - some say i do have some knowledge about something.
“normally i dont use https with private stuff” and your wish to open your local HA to the outside is a big mistake.
The s is https is for secure and what else you should be aware of ?
Yapp securing your private stuff.
Get yourself a vpn Server on your HA Server add all your external device with a vpn client and you “and only you” are inside even when your outside.
please let us return to the topic, there are many ways to bypass the firewall and port-forwarding, but this isn’t the question. eg ngrok, serveo,… I just want to make HomeAssistant open to the outside.
We don’t need to discuss security or such things. I can understand, what you want to tell everyone, but I decide its not what I need. No discussion needed. If I would want to make it more secure, I wouldn’t use MQTT, I wouldn’t use a vpn, I would use an SSH-Tunnel, but its not what I want wo discuss.
The main question is, how do I turn off the security function, that HASS is only reachable from local computers.