HASS on non-intel Synology installation fails to complete

I followed these instructions https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/installation/synology/ but when starting hass-daemon it just returns some kind of prompt (sh-4.3#). Typing exit it states starting Home Assistant, but apparently it’s not. I followed the instructions to a tee, except for ‘Copy your configuration.yaml file into the config folder That’s it… you’re all set to go’ Where would I get that file, and isn’t it supposed to be generated on first run? Thanks in advance for any guidance/pointers.

I helped a friend install it on Synology about a year ago (native, not docker) and it was very difficult so I wonder if those directions are out of date? Based on my experience from helping him I wouldn’t recommend it, although it worked it seemed like a very fragile environment and too hackish to easily upgrade and keep working.

Yes. configuration.yaml is created on first run if it doesn’t exist.

This is an ARM-based model so Docker is out of the question I’m afraid. Looks like I’d have to get me a Pi to get started, right? Thanks so far.