HASS on RPi vs FreeNAS vs Desktop(Docker)

Hello All,

I’m new to Home Assistant, and will be setting it up soon. I plan on integrating Abode, ecobee, Schlage locks, MyQ garage, and eventually some LED lights and other sensors. I was originally planning on running on a RPi3, but was wondering how the performance is versus other systems? I have a FreeNAS server in the works, but not up and running yet (I imagine this would be the best option performance wise). Could also run the installation on my desktop, but I don’t currently run it 24/7. Will a raspberry Pi suite my needs for now? Is there noticeable performance limitations when running through the Pi?


Horses for courses… Have RPi3 and Synology running HASS in Docker, advantage of RPI is a few sensors plugged in to GPIO. Performance wise I haven’t noticed any difference. WIll set up Hass.io on the RPi which I think isn’t possible on the NAS. However running a few other apps in docker on the NAS, so frees up the RPi for other projects!

I have rpi.
What I like!
No fan. Completely silent.
Good support for sensors.
performance good enough.

My biggest issue.
Sd card corruption. My record is 24 month before the sd card broke. (This was with domoticzs home automation system) I have not used HA on a normal sd card. I use a Rpi 3 that boots from a ssd with usb2sata case. Seems to be stable. I have been using it about 6 month. So it seem promising.

I agree with @robmarkcole. Performance is same and pi gpio is great. I Run both pi and docker on Debian server.

After over 1 yr only had 1 sd corrupt due to database.
Moved to MySQL DB in docker on Debian server and actually saw improvement in loading graphs

Another advantage of RPi is bluetooth

Bluetooth can be added with usb dongle along with many other interface (zwave, gps, dtv, serial, etc)

GPIO, cost and size are about only thing unique (or easily implemented) on raspberry pi

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