HASS on Synology

For those that have installed HASS on your Synology NAS, is it worth doing? I’ve read a lot of issues for the install but those seem to be dated early in 2016. Have these issues been worked out? My Raspi SD keeps becoming corrupt and it’s becoming tiresome to always have to redo HASS.


Hello @Jtmoore81. Piece of free advice :wink:

When you have you setup your HASS just the way you want it you will want to do the following.
Clone your SD card!

  1. Once everything is set up the way you want it, shut down the Pi and remove the SD card. Insert the SD card into your computer.

  2. Start Win32DiskImager.

  3. In “Image File”, enter the path of for your image file.
    Example, C:\Users\DamnImGood\images\perfecthass.img

  4. Under “Device”, select your SD card.

  5. Click the “Read” button to start cloning your card.

  6. When ready, eject your SD card. You can put it back in your Raspberry Pi.

  7. Keep that IMG file in a safe place or two. I have a copy on my NAS and one on a seperate mobile HDD nect to a copy of my configuration.yaml and known_devices.yaml.

When you want to write it back put the SD card in the computer select image file to WRITE and you have a perfect copy written back.

No more reinstalling from scratch.

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thanks to the Docker support of Synology, HASS is working fine as a Docker container

I liked running docker because Pi SD cards were being killed by huge logs.
This was OK for 6months until I tried adding zwave support and found that synology had no driver. Not really big issue but it made me realize that it was simpler to run on Pi since it wouldn’t require use of Matt messaging to push GPIO binary sensors and DSB1820 temp sensor from Pi back to synology.

Anyway, it was simpler for me to use Pi due to my multiple wired sensors so I recently changed back.
Synology Docker was perfectly fine and I may use this again in future.

Hi @Jtmoore81

I use a Synology DS416play with the docker package installed manually and HASS on top.
And it’s nearly perfect. Just don’t use the Synlogy docker GUI for starting or stopping the container

  1. Create a folder ‘home-assistant’ under the docker volume

  2. Pull the latest build

  3. Start docker container

    sudo docker pull homeassistant/home-assistant:latest
    sudo docker run -d --name=“home-assistant” --device /dev/ttyACM0:/dev/ttyACM0:rwm -v /volume1/docker/home-assistant:/config -v /volume1/docker/home-assistant/options.xml/usr/src/app/build/python-openzwave/openzwave/config/options.xml -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host homeassistant/home-assistant

the --device /dev/ttyACM0 and the -v …/options.xml part is only needed if a z-Wave controller is present

To update just stop the container, remove the container and run the command above again

This is how I’m running Home Assistant on my NAS. Docker is the way to go here.

I’ve made a couple of videos on how to set it all up (with z-wave and Bluetooth working as well) here: http://philhawthorne.com/installing-home-assistant-io-on-a-synology-diskstation-nas/

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for the awesome instructions.

I have HA up and running in my DS 1515+. I have a ble usb adapter, but I don’t use z-wave.

I used the -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb command when installing, however I cannot seem to read from my bluetooth sensors. I used the same config.yaml file that I used in a RPi3, so I know that the sensors are configured correctly.

Does anyone have any ideas as to where I may be going wrong?


I saw people use the ‘privileged’ switch.
Have no Bluetooth devices connected right now. But I will in a few days and will report back as soon as I tried out the config.

Yeah I would suggest trying the --privileged switch first, as your container may need higher permissions to use the USB device.

If that fails, make sure the USB radio is enabled on your NAS as well. You should be able to SSH to your NAS, and run a BLE scan with hcitool lescan if all is correct.

I tried to use Bluetooth LE on my synology but could not get it to work. It seems to be a problem with the old version of blues (v4) installed on the NAS.

Has anybody found a solution for this problem?
Normal Bluetooth works.

I’m also having trouble with BLE. Using a plugable USB adapter which claims to be well supported by Linux etc. The bluetooth tab is active in the control panel, and my BLE device is shown with a MAC address and everything. But the connect button is greyed and it just says “Not Available”

Just got this working yesterday. The BLE devices I’m using also showed “Not Available” in the bluetooth tab of the Synology UI. That wasn’t a problem though, as HomeAssistant recognized them as expected. I think the “Not Available” thing just means that Synology itself does not support those devices because they don’t support A2DP.

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