HASS refreshes entire page after update to 0.85

Having a weird issue and wondered if it might be happening for anyone else.

After upgrading (On Hassbian) to 0.85, the web frontend, which previously only updated components on the page, now does an entire page refresh. every 5-10 seconds or so.

Anyone else notice this or have it happening to them?

I’m running hass.io and I doesn’t occour to me.

Thanks, I removed a lot of my custom configuration (I’m just getting started) and the problem seems to have corrected itself.

I have the same issue, page refreshes every few seconds after updating to 0.85.

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I removed the custom group for default_view, and all my customizations to more of a default configuration after backing up all my YAML config files. I’m going to try adding things back in 1 by 1 to see if the problems returns. It definitely only started happening after the upgrade to 0.85

Forgot to mention that I use Hass.io and have lovelace enabled.

This happens to all of my browsers (MacBook and iPhone)

Known front end issue relating to custom cards:

Openend a bug report here:

EDIT: @gbboy Did not see your comment before opening the issue. Do you agree this is new (coming with 0.85)?

Yes it is a new issue in 0.85 that was reported in the frontend polymer repo already. You opened an issue in the backend, probably close it and wait till it gets merged in a hotfix.

Well, now I see what you mean. lovelace is refreshing all the time.
The old interfaces doesn’t do it.

Edit: I tested this on two devices. On my iPhone with the Homeassistant App (Newest Beta) and on my Windows Laptop with Firefox.
On my iPhone it happens on all pages. Mostly I get redirected to the first page.
On my Windows Laptop it doesn’t happen on any page.

Yes it‘s really annoying on the iPhone. Does someone know when this will be fixed?

I can confirm that

It’s fixed in 0.86.0b0 so 0.86.0

Nice, thanks!