HASS stops responding to triggers; works after a restart

I’ve got a weird situation where HASS stops responding to triggers. I have an MQTT button that when pressed is supposed to turn off the lights. This works great but sometime in the night, it stops working. A restart always fixes it. I just confirmed that MQTT messages are still being sent and other MQTT functions (temp readings) are still happening. How can I troubleshoot why the button stops working?

I just restarted MQTT server while it was in the ‘hang’ state and that did not help. I did a HASS restart and it started working like it should . I guess I can schedule a cron job to restart HASS in the middle of the night, but I’d like to determine why it can’t act on the trigger. How can I figure out what’s going on? I’m on the current release. I was at .37 for a long time and never had this problem.

I haven’t seen this, but I don’t think you are the only one. See this thread:

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