HASS web interface not working on laptop, but yes in Android!

Hi all,

I am running my HASS in a VM (in windows). Until last week, everything was working. But today I am unable to connect to the web interface through my laptop.
I have tried to clean the cache of my edge, but nothing works. ALso, installed a fresh chrom, but same. It says that I cannot reach the page.

However, I was able to connect via my phone.

In case it is important I am connecting via http://ip:8123
Also, I have checked the config file and I could not find any spaces, or any strange thing laying around; as some other users recommended.

Any help would be amazing, as I dont get what might be wrong.

Can you ping it ?

Yes. I get the following:

ping 10.31.XXX.XXX

Pinging 10.31.XXX.XXX with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for 10.31.XXX.XXX:
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

seems most likely a router issue. you’re positive nothing has changed in the router?

I have restricted wifi from 2.4G and 5G, to only 2.4G. As I am connecting a raspberry pi zero to the same network. Could that be case?

Since wired is far more stable, running HA wireless is disrecommended

typically simply restricting to one frequency shouldn’t have that impact. however sometimes there’s some other thing (e.g. if the method you used to restrict was to create a different subnet… then it’s not the frequency change, but the subnet change that is the culprit).

i’m presuming the vm you are running hass on w/in windows is not the same machine as your laptop right?

also to make sure we have it straight, the windows machine and vm are hard wired.

the laptop is a separate machine that’s wireless (?)

and your phone is wireless and connected to it via intranet (not cellular going to ddns or something like that) is that correct?

if so, to help understand the symptoms more… can the laptop ping the host windows machine? can it ping the phone?

Porblem is that I cannot reach the point where I am hosting the HASS via an ethernet cable

Yes, its the same machine.

The Windows machine and the VM are connected via WIFI.
The Phone is also connected wirelessly.

No it cannot ping the HASS

oh, wait so you mean the windows machine is a laptop hosting the vm is the one that can’t reach the the vm that it’s hosting?

Yess, it is. Last week I was able to connect to it. But now its not working (sorry for the long reply, I needed 10 characters )

ping 10.31.XXX.XXX

Pinging 10.31.XXX.XXX with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for 10.31.XXX.XXX:
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

No you can’t, request timed out

You are right. My bad, i didnt understand how ping worked.

smells like a firewall issue maybe?

Do you know how can I check if it is so? And how to solve it?
I am really lost in this topic

Start by turning off the Windows Firewall

I am still not able to connect to the web interface or ping it. Any further steps?

Try undoing what you did here