Hass wont't start anymore


I am running HASS for a little bit more then a year now and it works perfect for that time.
But now I had sometimes the probem that my PI4 wasn’t reachable anymore in network and I have to uplug the power for resetting the pi.
Sometimes I have to repeat that more then on time befor it’s starting again.
Today I connected my Pi to a monitor for debugging that problem but HASS won’t start anymore :confused:

I get a login screen, If I log in i get the following message:

[WARN] Home Assistant CLI is not running! Jump into emergency console…

If I execute a docker PS I see that only the hassio-observer is running.

Can anyone help me to get my HASS running again, my last snapshot is abot 2 weeks old and I added some zigbee devices and automatinons after that snapshot :frowning:
I don’t find any logs from startup, that makes it difficult to debug the start process.


Different option to look at I think…

Are you running on a SD card ? If yes, maybe the SD card crashed…
Did you added new hardware to the Pi recently ? I had a problem similar to yours. It was a problem on the power side of the Pi (too many equipments connected, I just added a modem a few days before)… So maybe too many equipments on it (USB’s devices or disks or modem ?) or maybe a transformer issue but generally in this case the Pi CPU is throttlling first…

I would first investigate if it is a hardware problem or software…
Can you create a brand new environment on a new disk (SD card) and see if it starts…

It it starts, it is probably a software problem…

Good luck !