HASS zone map display inaccuracy - IOS tracker lat/lon attribute field content?

I know the exact GPS coordinates for my home…and I can confirm them through IOS and home assistant companion. The correct GPS setting show in my attributes for my device tracker.

The problem is that when I display the hassio MAP showing my zones and location, it shows the center point of my current location (at my home) as being about 1/2 mile from where the GPS coordinates should be shown and that doesn’t match the GPS coordinates.

BTW, GPS accuracy in the states attribute is 95 and the circle around my current location just reaches my home…but the center of that circle should be at the GPS points in the attributes, I’d think…

Is this a known problem?

A related question…do the gps attributes in the states display show the actual lat/long received or are those automatically overwritten by the zone center if IOS finds you in a defined zone?