Hassbian 1.3 image not doing much

Good Evening, I am running two different issues here, 1 is a Hassio issue so some of you might have seen that, but I am also trying using hassbian 1.3 Sept 13,2017 I believe was the date.

I image my Raspberry pi 3, plug the sd card in connect the HDMI and network line. I power on the Pi and can see the boot process on the screen.

My pi comes up to a hassbian login prompt and from what I understand just wait on this screen for about 30 min is that correct?

I can SSH in at this point and get the login screen.

Am I missing something ?

If anyone hasn’t seen it my HASSio issue is almost after every time I restart hassio it never comes back up and I have to reload it.

No, you need to use your browser. These are the instructions from the hassbian install page

After initial boot an installer will run in the background and takes around 15 minutes to complete, after it has finished you can reach Home Assistant in your browser at http://hassbian.local:8123. If you want to login via SSH, the default username is pi and password is raspberry (please change this by running passwd). The Home Assistant configuration is located at /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/.

I tried that with the browser as well nothing comes up. Sorry should have mentioned that before.

Are you using the actual IP of your Pi? Using hassbian.local has issues on some networks. I would enter your actual IP address followed by :8123.

Hey, using the actual IP, i noticed that right away that the name was kind of hit and miss so switched to the ip.

I have been able to get hass.io working so abandoned hassbian. Thank you for the help