HASSbian installer scripts not working

So I’ve been playing around with Home Assistant on my unRaid server as a docker for a couple of weeks and decided to have it on a rpi3 instead.
I followed the instructions in the How To Get Started with Home Assistant Using HASSbian 1.1 video from BRUH Automations youtube channel. I get to the point where I’m suppose to run the installer script for Samba so I type “sudo ./hassbian-scripts/install_samba.sh” and then it just says “command not found”.
I tried to re-install three times with the same result. Also updated using these instructions and still none of the installer scripts will work.

If someone could help me get this to work I would really appreciate it!

Maybe the path to script is wrong, and you find it with:
sudo find / -iname '*install_samba.sh*'
Then you should start it with the full path.
sudo /path/to/install.samba.sh

On my hassbian install the script is located at ~/hassbian-scripts/install_samba.sh

The full path is /home/pi/hassbian-scripts/install_samba.sh

Thank you so much for your reply! I tried to do what you suggested and it seems like the install_samba.sh is in “/home/pi/hassbian-scripts/opt/hassbian/suites/” so I typed “sudo /home/pi/hassbscripts/opt/hassbian/suites/install_samba.sh” but after that I get nothing.
How can it be in a different path in my install compered to others?

Go take a look over on the home page, Hassbian just updated to a new hassbian-config system for managing scripts. If you downloaded hassbian since yesterday, you’ll need to use this approach, not the old method of running scripts directly.

Thank you for clarifying that! Just my luck that they changed things the day before I got into this :slight_smile:. So I did have a look at the home page but can’t figure out the correct command. What is the correct command to install Samba with the installer script?

The syntax is “sudo hassbian-config command suite”, where command is install and suite would be samba. You can also use “hassbian-config show” to list all available packages.

Thank you again. Although I still get “command not found” when typing “sudo hassbian-config install samba” so I guess I’ll try another reinstall. Maybe I changed something when trying to fix it before.

I can’t figure out what I’m missing? According to the homepage I should just have to type “sudo ./hassbian-scripts/hassbian-config install samba” after a fresh install of HASSbian right? But still I get “command not found”. I mean I’m new to this and all but that is what it says in these instructions.

Is ./hassbian-scripts/hassbian-config a .sh file? Could SweAdelpha simply solve this by adding sh after sudo and/or by changing the file permission with chmod? (I’m no expert, so you should probably wait until someone tells you for sure.)

First things first: Does the HA webpage come up when you browse to “http://:8123”?

Thanks for your replies guys! The web page does indeed show up.

When you say you “get nothing” when you type “sudo ./home/pi/hassbian-scripts/install_samba.sh” what happens? No error? That is where the script should be.

Type cd /home/pi and see if you see a folder called “hassbian-scripts”. If you see that type cd hassbian-scripts. If that works, type sudo ./install_samba.sh

I do have the hassbian-config folder but when I did what you said I got “command not found”. But the install_samba.sh is not located directly in the hassbian-config folder anymore. It’s in “/home/pi/hassbian-scripts/opt/hassbian/suites/”
And if I try “cd /home/pi/hassbian-scripts/opt/hassbian/suites” and then “sudo ./install_samba.sh” I get nothing. And by nothing I mean just a new command row in the same folder like this:

pi@hassbian:~ $ cd /home/pi
pi@hassbian:~ $ cd /home/pi/hassbian-scripts
pi@hassbian:~/hassbian-scripts $ sudo ./install_samba.sh
sudo: ./install_samba.sh: command not found
pi@hassbian:~/hassbian-scripts $ cd /home/pi/hassbian-scripts/opt/hassbian/suites
pi@hassbian:~/hassbian-scripts/opt/hassbian/suites $ sudo ./install_samba.sh pi@hassbian:~/hassbian-scripts/opt/hassbian/suites $

Sorry for running you in circles. I see you are running the new hassbian 1.2.1: If I am interpreting this post correctly: https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/68hhhc/hassbian_121_its_about_time_isnt_it/ the developer (Landrash) will have a patched version of the installer out sometime today. It seems like there is an issue with it…

If you cant wait for that update today, you can try the all in one installer, which requires you to install the operating system on your PI yourself, but after that, everything like openzwave and samba are automatically installed; https://home-assistant.io/docs/installation/raspberry-pi-all-in-one/

Alternatively, you can wait until the hassbian image is updated today and re-image and after it is finished, run the “hassbian-scripts install openzwave” command.

Thank you for the clarification. I will just wait then but it’s kind of a relief that it wasn’t just me
Anyway thanks everyone who tried to help me out.

Looks like he fixed it 3 hours ago. Download the image and re-image it again. https://github.com/home-assistant/pi-gen/releases/tag/v1.21

Hmmm last update was two days ago and I’m checking gitter where Landrash said he would tell when it’s up. He said github had slow upload speed so it should be done within this hour.
So I had a look around and found some files that where updated a couple of hours ago so now I undersand what you meant by “re-image”.
I’ll have a go at that thanks!

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On a new install on a pi tonight and relatively new to all this watching bruh video on you tube, which seems to be outdated with some of the commands, but probably typical in this world, anyway this command worked for me as per comments above, exactly as typed.

sudo hassbian-config install samba

And for info I would enable SSH in the raspi-config if you want his device to be seen in your network, basically where you do the time and localisation theres another menu item in here to enable SSH (which apparently was turned off on later releases) all working on network now…