Hassbian MQTT switch not sending message to broker

Setting up an automated Garage door using an ESP8266 and a raspberry pi w/ mosquitto as a broker. My Yaml config looks exactly like this:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "GarageDoor"
    state_topic: "GarageDoor/"
    command_topic: "GarageDoor/"
    payload_on: "ON"
    payload_off: "OFF"
    optimistic: false
    retain: false
    keepalive: 60

  port: 1883

I configured the esp8266 and it successfully connects to the raspberry pi broker, from the broker I can give the command mosquitto_pub -d -t GarageDoor/ -m "testing are you there" and the message shows up on the esp8266, i can see it in the console, but when I click the switch on the Home assistant states page, nothing happens. Nothing shows up on the esp8266, even if my garagedoor control configs were wrong, I should at least see the message on the console of the esp8266. Is there a log I can check in Hassbian to see if it is doing anything? The log under “Developer Tools -> Info” Is not showing anything. Also under Developers Tools, there’s an icon for MQTT … I put in my topic and a message and click “publish” but still nothing shows up on the esp8266

Kind of out of things to check, help would be appreciated


UPDATE: After making all of my YAML config changes, I always hit the “config validate” the the “reload Core” button… I didn’t like that because there really is not any feedback that the button is doing anything… I rebooted the whole device (unplugged the power, plugged back in) and I’m now seeing the payload appear on the esp8266.