Hey! Super new to the community but I looked through a few threads and this seems like a unique issue. I rebooted the pi and I started getting 404 errors when I tried to access the webUI. SSH in and then I do this.
2019-09-19 05:00:08 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http] Failed to create HTTP server at port 8123: [Errno 98] error while attempting to bind on address (‘’, 8123): address already in use
I’m… confused. I’m pretty new to all this so any help is appreciated.
i did a --check_config and it passed no problem. Logs are only posting errors involving my chromecast and google homes. Same error is popping up. This happened when I did a systemctl restart.
I think I may have been impatient and did a manual start when the webgui wasn’t starting up. So 15 minutes (yeah I realized now that wasn’t enough time) in I decided to run
I have just run into the same situation. Image downloaded and procedure followed as from manual.
Have then run the pip install command, but did not help.
I have also rebooted and waited for some time, but the 404 error is still there.
Any hint?