Hassbian v1.23 host name not showing on network

With hassbian v1.1 my router showed “hassbian” and its IP address.
I also setup PuTTY with the “hassbian.local” (so Windows 10 knows about hassbian.)

With hassbian v1.23 my router shows “unknown” and its IP address.
I also setup PuTTY with the hassbian’s IP address.

hostname returns hassbian
my /etc/hosts contains: localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters hassbian

I added the last line for my Raspberry Pi.
avahi is running. I think that it is supposed to broadcast the host name.

It is an issue I can live with since the Home Assistant service is running OK after upgrading from hassbian v1.1
Mainly curious about what is going on?