Hassbian vs HassOS vs Hass.io

Let’s see the list of why hassbian is better than hass.io

Hass.io uses red hat
True ssh only works with very buggy plugins
Vlans are horrible to setup
No winscp support for changing your config files
I’ve used hass.io, manual install, and just moved to hassbian because I hated hass.io and ran into issues with the manual install due to updating to buster for python updates.
This is horrible news

O yea ssl cert for hassbian is super easy due to ssh and winscp

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The horrible news is that almost every objection you posted is FALSE

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Can you elaborate? Maybe I’ll switch back to hass.io if I’m wrong on every point.


No it works fine with the community ssh plugin. Buggy? Really? Not in my experience for 2 years

What does a VLAN which is typically setup in hardware have to do with hass.io?

Wrong. You just don’t know how to configure the ssh addon correctly.

What does this even mean? If you use hass.io on a Pi, HassOS does not even need buster or any other linux distro. All python support is in the container itself. You could happily have a generic linux install on debian (if you don’t like HassOS) running say stretch and python 3.4 yet the hass.io containers will be running python 3.7 all without you doing anything other than updating hass.io

even easier with LetsEncrypt or DuckDNS addons


Well said @DavidFW1960.

Ok so what os is hass.io based on. Its Linux, not Debian, you do vlans the same way as red hat.

Vlans are 100% software. You program them in your routers and switches. If you want a pc or rpi to be aware of vlans you need to program them into the os. I have 4 networks on an untagged and 3 vlan system and want home assistant to manage devices on all networks with discovery (layer 2) which means I have to have true root ssh access to program those into the os or 4 different Ethernet ports on my rpi, still probably needing root.

Winscp support I could be wrong but ran into same issue not being root. The only plugin I could find that was a community plugin that gave me root to os crashed Everytime I tried to expand the terminal window.

Manual install was stretch, I had other stuff running on same pi that got ruined while doing an in place upgrade. It was debian so stretch to buster is how you get the newest python.

I have a server that uses 80 and 443 so that’s what let’s encrypt runs on so I need to manually move the key and cert.

Home assistant won’t update with old python

Here I am connected with WinSCP, on Hass.io running on a Pi. It works, trust me. Set up SSH properly and it just works.

Follow THIS official guide, and again, it just works. It really does.

Hass.io runs in a docker container, with all the dependencies it needs, including Python.

Might give that a try. The hass.io I’m talking about is the one that has an SD card image. Out of the box version.

Hmm… Debian IS a LINUX distribution, as is Redhat, Ubuntu, HassOS

You realise this makes no sense right?

You are wrong.

You do not need to upgrade python at all if you are using Hassio

again that’s just your ignorance

and that’s a good reason to be using hass.io because it does not care what python the host OS is running.
Having to update python is actually a GREAT reason to NOT use hassbian but to use hass.io

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I know vlans. Apartently you don’t. It’s called tagged traffic. The software adds a tag to the packets when they go out. The software in the next device will only read those packets if they are programmed to except packets tagged for that vlan.

You are referring to HassOS, which is a minimal version OS that runs Hass.io and nothing else.

Do a generic install over Raspbian/Debian/Ubuntu, pick your flavor.


At least you were helpful. I will look into that. Thanks.

Correction hassos is what I have a problem with.

So don’t use HassOS, as stated above, use Raspbian/Debian/Ubuntu depending on what sort of machine you run.

Will do thanks for the link. Everytime I went to hass.io I was brought to download this image so I mistakenly assumed hassos was the same thing.

I also realize I have too high standards for Hassos because I use vlans and run other servers in my house which most people probably don’t. I know I’m not the only one because there is tuts on this forum for vlans on hassos. Raspbian handles vlans very well unless you have a mix of untagged and tagged so I tag all networks to it. Red hat or hassos works great with both but the terminal plugin is a nightmare and when you load a bad config in hassos, good luck troubleshooting without terminal access.

HassOS doesn’t do tagged VLANs out of the box, but it does use network manager (nmcli as I recall), so I suspect you could make it work. You would have to setup ssh to HassOS, which is not the same as using the ssh plugin.

I have vlans in my network. 6 of them. I also run other servers. Why do you think you need to tag the vlan coming out of your pi? This is silly.
switchport access vlan <id>

You’re angry about something but I’m still trying to decipher what you’re angry about since you haven’t been correct about any of your complaints about hassio. I don’t even like or run hassio but at least I’m not ignorant to how it works.

Yea that’s what I did @dap35


I tag for incoming and outgoing so my rpi can be a part of 4 networks on a layer 2.

This way it will discover Google devices and rokus on all 4 networks.

Does anyone here understand how vlans work?

It has 4 different ips for 4 different subnets. And 4 different Mac addresses because that’s what layer 2 communications run on mostly.

You can do vlans on hassos but it is horrible.

And I get that you coder guys look at my posts and think I’m an idiot but there has to be a networking guy here that looks at yours and thinks the same.

Also we confirmed it was hassos that was the issue not Hass.io

Yes actually.

I’m not a coder, but you had a laundry list of inaccuracies that makes you look ignorant. I’m also not an idiot.

Except half of your ranting was still incorrect even if it was HassOS

Yup, I agree that the documentation isn’t clear enough there, however a bit further up the thread I spelled out the exact differences between the distributions (and also said the docs arnt 100% clear).
You might want to give it a quick read (it’s to the point, promise) so we’re at least all on the same page.