Hassio and SD card not working

Hi, I just bough everything to have Home Assistant running: sd card, raspberry PI 3, etc…

I installed Hassio in the SD card. After Etcher finished flashing I plug it (with a card reader) in my mac and I get this error “The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer.”

I mounted the SD card in the Raspberry PI connected via ethernet but router is not seeing a new device connected. I try to go to hassio.local:8123 but nothing.

I formatted the SD card into FAT32 and went through the procedure from the beginning (following written + video instructions) but same story. My mac cannot read the device (sd card) and the raspberry PI is not connecting via ethernet.

I also tried it with 2 different routers. But nothing. It has something to do with hassio and SD card I think

(SD card is a quality card).

Can anyone help me? Thanks

Welcome! Here is what I would try.
Format the SD card for FAT32 and then format it with the SD Formatter recommended by the Raspberry Pi people.

Unzip the file you downloaded and then use Etcher to put the image on the SD card. That is what worked for me.

After Etcher is finished, your mac may not be able to read the SD Card properly. I know windows complains mightily.

Hello! Thanks for your help. It worked fine. Problem solved. Thanks

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Great! I did not know if that would help or not. I just know I followed their instructions and have reflashed my card several times without trouble.

For future reference, another source says the above formatter is only good for cards up to 32 GB They recommend this tool for 64GB or larger. (in between, I am not sure which one.)


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so can your MAC read the SD card now?

Just tried this, does not seem to work…