[hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host

Running AppDaemon 4

There are some other posts on this but none have a definitive answer. I’m not using the vscode addon (RPi4), but I am connecting to Home Assistant from a Windows machine using the HA extension in VSCode.

0-02-06 19:23:20 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize
20-02-06 19:23:20 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_appdaemon
20-02-06 19:23:20 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Client error on WebSocket API Cannot connect to host ssl:False [Connection refused].
20-02-06 19:23:23 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Error on call Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Connection refused]
20-02-06 19:23:23 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Error on API for request states/binary_sensor.snapshots_stale

Is there anyway to work out what that IP address refers to? I think it must be a different container.

Anyone help?

The IP address looks like the ip address of the docker container but it should be the IP of the host machine.

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Did you ever find a solution? I have a ton of these errors in my logs too…

No, they have just vanished!

What add-ons do you use? I’m asking because I’m also having issues where the recorder won’t start… So far 109 has been horrible for me. Stuff just stops working. Even restoring previous backups doesn’t help…

The answer to my question is this. This works for me (sudo as I am on Raspbian).

sudo docker inspect --format "{{.Name}} - {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}" $(sudo docker ps -aq)

So, I wiped and installed from a very well known working version from a couple of weeks ago, and numerous things were broken. Zwave, ZHA, MariaDB.
Before I started ripping everything out by the roots. I ran to 110.1 update (I usually don’t update till an x.3 version is out) and now everything is working again. All of my recorder/history is lost, but everything came up and no API errors. Zwave came up again. No devices are lost…

So of course I took a new backup… :slight_smile:

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