Hassio, appdaemon addon and appdaemon API

Context: hassio / appdaemon-addon / appdaemon API

For a small project I wanted to use the AppDaemon API to receive webhooks from various services over the internet to be able to ‘act’ on them. While setting this up I ran into the problem of the appdaemon API not being available/reachable and tried figuring out what was wrong here.

A few things that I concluded:

  • ad_port in documentation should be api_port
  • api_port should be different from dashboard port (e.g. 5555)
  • appdaemon addon from https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-appdaemon doesn’t support an option to open up another port to the host so that the API can be reached (only 5050 is available for the Dashboard). For that I had to create a custom appdaemon addon in my /addons folder (by cloning the original addon repo mentioned earlier and changing config.json to have an extra port option for the API to be reached on (see ports section):
  "name": "AppDaemon",
  "version": "dev",
  "slug": "appdaemon",
  "description": "Python Apps and HADashboard for Home Assistant",
  "url": "https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-appdaemon",
  "webui": "http://[HOST]:[PORT:5050]",
  "startup": "application",
  "boot": "auto",
  "hassio_api": true,
  "homeassistant_api": true,
  "host_network": false,
  "ports": {
    "5050/tcp": 5050,
    "5555/tcp": 5555
  "map": [
  "options": {
    "log_level": "info",
    "commtype": "websockets"
  "schema": {
    "log_level": "match(^(trace|debug|info|notice|warning|error|fatal)$)",
    "commtype": "match(^(websockets|sse)$)"
  "environment": {

Hope this helps others in the future. I’m planning to post the project I’m working as well, so there will be some more context to this story.



I’m running into the same issue. I did add “api_port: 3030” to my appdaemon.yaml file, and the API seems to start based the logs, but it just doesn’t work on the port specified.

What exactly did you copy to the /addons folder?
