Hassio automation time trigger

Having an issue with one of my automations. This worked fine before I moved it into the automations.yaml and before I went to Hassio. Now the fan never turns off unless I comment out the ‘for’ section. Any advice? TIA

- id: Turn_Fan_Off
  alias: Turn off fan when heat turns off
  initial_state: True
  hide_entity: False
    platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.downstairs_thermostat_hvac_state
    from: 'heating'
    to: 'off'
    #  hours: 0
    #  minutes: 10
    #  seconds: 0
    service: fan.turn_off
    entity_id: fan.ge_12730_fan_control_switch_level

instead of using hours/ minutes/ seconds, use the format:

to: 'off'
for: '00:10:00'

Is this specific to Hass.io? I have a similar issue with an automation when a door opens for more than a minute. Worked fine under an AIO install but never worked after transitioning to Hass.io. I’ll try this!

I’m not sure. I have only ever had Hass.IO, and that has only been a few weeks

This was unsuccessful for me. I even changed to add a from: before the to: and it still won’t fire. Really wish we knew why this would work before and not now

Crazy part is that this works for the reverse automation but not for the initial.

Any success with this question?

have you tried my suggestion regarding the time format? That should work

I have a problem that I believe is related, but not identical. Mine is related to the time platform.

    - platform: time
      seconds: 30

Does not fire after transitioning from hassbian to hassio. I’m trying to find out the root cause.

I don’t see a reference to a platform: time in the components docs… What is the full code you are using? There is probably another way to code it

It’s under automation triggers in the docs. Here’s a link.

With hassbian I noticed that some events were not properly triggering an automation, so as a fallback, I triggered the automation every 30 seconds with an additional condition. The code above is copied directly from my previously-working automations.

I think this is a hassio issue. This was working just fine in hassbian for 9 months or so.

ah ok. I have never tired to use a trigger like that so can’t say about it working or not under HassIO unfortunately. Have you tried putting quotes around the 30? ie:

seconds: '30'