Hassio based Openalpr

I wanted to start doing license plate recognition today and noticed there wasnt a Hassio addon for it and therefore wrote one (using a docker image thats already out there). It provides an port for you to query via http.

Its really rough and ready and i’ll define it properly over the next week or so.

Right now it seems to take an age and forever to build, however once done its really nice to use with Nodered HTTP Request ( http://:5000/plate )

Its on my hacky repo for hassio: https://github.com/wlatic/hassio.addons

Called Openalpr

I’m actually installing it and was wondering how I would use it then .do u have any description the readme doesn’t work in your repo


Sorry the details werent better.

After placing your picture here: /config/oalpr/data/plate.jpg

Say for example your Home Assistant IP address is you’d run:

The above fires openalpr to analyse the picture and provides an output.

I was using this via nodered.

This was a very simple install of openalpr which I was going to use for something but ended up going a different way!