Hassio cannot exclude event from recorder component

I am running hassio 0.64.1
To save database space I wanted to exclude event_types from the “events” database table.
I got a lot of mysensors.org “state_changed” events in this table.

I added to the configuration.yaml:
- state_changed

This results in a configuration ERROR:
ERROR:homeassistant.config:Invalid config for [recorder]: Entity ID state_changed is an invalid entity id for dictionary value @ data[‘recorder’][‘exclude’][‘entities’].
Got [‘state_changed’]. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 99)

Why is this an “invalid entity id”.
I got the id from the events table in the HASS Configuration.

Because it’s an event. :grinning:
You can exclude domains and entities.

According to the description of the Recorder component you can exclude events:

If you only want to hide events from e.g. your history, take a look at the history component. Same goes for logbook. But if you have privacy concerns about certain events or neither want them in history or logbook, you should use the exclude/include options of the recorder component, that they aren’t even in your database. That way you can save storage and keep the database small by excluding certain often-logged events (like sensor.last_boot).

Event information is less important as historic data compared to entity data. So it should be possible to exclude this data.

Is there really no way to exclude event data from the database?

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Same problem here - went through the ‘recorder’ source code and found there is a config option to exclude events:

purge_interval: 1
purge_keep_days: 1
- call_service