Hassio crashing - 0.104.3

In the last week I’ve experienced two inexplicable Hassio crashes. The system just goes down and stays down. I spent months on 0.92.1 and that was solid as a rock, it just was a rock that wanted to stay a rock (it wouldn’t let me upgrade beyond it!). Now that I’m on 0.104.3 (I think - can’t check as system is down!) it’s crashing more in days than 0.92.1 did in months.

Home Assistant Fails since Upgrading to 102.3:

Re: the above thread, is there anything I can add to my hassio instance to make it reboot if hass fails? I figure the above link is for if you’re running hass not hassio?


Why is it crashing? What’s in the logs?

I’m home in twenty minutes. When I can (hopefully) get it back online by power cycling it I’ll let you know! Hopefully that information is in the logs and the SD card isn’t toast.

This is the first entry in my log, sadly. So no idea what caused it to crash/freeze.

Ended unfinished session