I installed the hassio as is explained in Getting Started, but I am not able to login https://homeassistant.local:8123/

I also tried with the ip: myip:8123 it says ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Have you tried http:

try http instead of https

yes i tried also with http


and the ip

what are you installing on, it could still be setting up

tried also like this, donno if is it still installing, it is doing like that for more than 2 hours.

I have pi 4 and just flashed the hassio

What is displayed on the screen attached to the pi?

at the moment I dont have any screen attached. Let me connect and let you know

I have this when i login to hassio

If I write in the terminal
“Core start”
it says: Error: System is not ready with state: setup

Doesn’t look good. Did you use the right image?

yes the one they says to use.

I have a doubt that my pi could be a 32bit, any way to find out?

Some other people had the same issue.
Looks like there internet dropped out during install

Ok the problem could be that, at the moment pi is not connected to network

I imagine it will have trouble loading those scripts from GitHub then :joy:

I was able to fix it, I had the same error again, but after restarting it, it started to work. Thank you for your support