Hassio folders (Roomba 980 - finding BLID and PW)

Hi guys :slight_smile: I posted a question in the hassio section, but i got no response. I am getting a tiny bit desperate to get my Roomba connected properly, so now i re-post here, hoping for some guidance :smiley:

Being a n00b regarding both hass_io and Linux, but the installation, setup and initial customization has been very, very smooth! I do have a little challenge that i hope to get some input on :slight_smile:

I want to connect my Roomba 980 to my Home Assistant, and although it does show in the UI, it is “unavailable” since i don’t know the BLID and PW to type into my configuration.yaml

I am running my hass_io on a Pi Zero W, and i can connect with Putty, and i found a ton of how-to recipes and forum threads, but they all make use of folders that i can’t seem to find on my particular installation??

I am supposed to run a python script, but the script i cannot locate. Neither any of the folders for the path in which the script is to be found.

In this thread (iRobot Roomba), it mentions a path like:
“/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.6/site-packages/roomba”, and the script in that folder should be named “getpassword.py”

I have a feeling that the above data might differ a bit for me, since i run hass_io instead of a “manual” install? I looked in all my folder structure using command “ls -a” to reveal hidden files also, but still no luck :frowning:

Maybe one of you veterans could please point me to the path of the homeassistant folder (and hoping that I can locate the script myself from there :smiley:)?

I am not a veteran, but I’ll give it a go :slight_smile: First of all, when running hassio, you run in a virtual environment isolated from the installation files, like the path (/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.6/site-packages/roomba) you’re reffering to. You can, however, access these files. Be warned tough, this could seriously mess up your hassio install if you do something wrong. Read the Debugging hass.io page for instructions on how to get access. Also, if you update your hassio, all files will be overwritten. Good luck!

PS! Get up to speed on using VI as well, you’re going to need it :slight_smile:

PSS! To log into the correct docker, you can run docker ps from the prompt to find the correct docker container, usually this is homeassistant. Then run the following command to access it: docker exec -it homeassistant bash -

Oh man, thank you so much for input!!

And you’re raising a few pointers that i didn’t even realise, since i believed the Hassio to be a good solution, it might lend me some trouble in the long run - i guess for now it is a fine environment for me to learn a bit about HA in general.

I can’t wait to get home from the office to tinker with my install. The Roomba is the last component missing :slight_smile:

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