Hassio has crashed need help to download backup files

Hi, my installation crashed, I can not enter the webgui, but I can access the cli using an HDMI cable and screen connected to the installation box.

I no need help to download my backups to a usb stick connected to the installation, anyone who is familir with cli that can help me out?

I have found that the files are located under /mnt/data/supervisor/backup/

I have found the files I need and I understand that I need to use the commands:

cp “filename” “directory to copy to”

Now my issue is that I cant figure out what the root of my usb stick is called or where to find, any ideas?

How to mount a flash drive:

I would also recommend setting the backups to go to a USB in the future. You can auto mount USB with fstab (there are other ways).

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Thanks, next problem is that the filesystem is “read only” when I try to do mkdir, the normal “su” or “sudo” does not work to elevate the command.

I cheated and mounted it unde /tmp/ moved all the files I wanted and just restarted hassio to unmount it. Lets hope I can make a new install and then restore from backup