I have an older hassbian installation running on a PI3 . I want to re-install it and was wondering if I should go with hassbian or hassio. Can I also install EmonCMS on the same PI or will it be better to run a 2nd pi for that?

Ok, so I went with HASS.IO and it is a pain…
Installed with MQTT and Samba AND SSH plugins

Copied my old config - ran config check. (No errors). Rebooted and nothing. No interface, no samba share coming up, cant remote into pi

Started over with fresh install - great working.
Changed MQTT settings - rebooted, nothing loading (Web interface, shares, cant remote in)…

Started over again (Setting up MQTT with my old password and user from the start)
Deleted some components from my old config files, rebooted - working
Activated Bluetooth tracker- rebooted and nothing working

I have gone back to hassbian…

Not sure what is going wrong with the hass.io, but it almost seems like when home assistant fails to load, nothing else loads after that?