Hassio i2c enable

I am having difficulties with enabling I2C on my RPI 4 with Hassio.

I followed https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio/enable_i2c

When I click “Import from USB” it goes green then nothing seems to happen

In my log it say “RuntimeError: I2C Bus #1 not found, check if enabled in config!”

Does the folder need to have a / infront of the name /modules? If so how would one accomplish adding that to a folder name? Windows doesn’t seem to let me

Hello Curt,

I have copied this link for you but it does not end in a working solution as it was abandoned but maybe you can figure things out from there

Note if you configure the files on the usb correctly and do the import the system does not reboot automatically you will have to force a manual reboot.

The only way it seems to know if its enabled it to test the pins for 3.3v to ground as that from what ive read says I2C is enabled.

I am using the a similar controller as they are but thus far I have been unable to get my entities show up is hassio. I initially started trying to use the rpi to detect switch states on its gpio which has not worked thus far. I am at the remote gpio phase of testing however.
Ideally i would have liked to multiplex all my inputs into the controller and reduce the consumption of my limited rpi gpio pins as inputs from the various sensors. If the controller could be enabled then we could potentially have another method of reducing the false triggers when switches are directly connected to the rpi gpio. The last thing then would be to use a series of rpi in different locations with multiplexed inputs and have them all update a main Hassio.
Thanks to tom and anil roy for sharing some interesting work which I am hoping to consolidate. So I hope you able to make some progress from here so we I can move forward lol